For more information on downloading Clash of Clans to your phone, check out our guide: how to install APK files. Either way, Clash of Clans offers a ton of content. You can either play online, epic Clan Wars, or you can face the Goblin King in the campaign map. Clash of Clans is one of the most successful real-time strategy games on Android. Clash Hero allows you to play on a Clash of Clans private server and get all the advantages of this strategy game by accessing more coins, gems, and elixir. One is the base building, which also brings resources and helps users to build their army, and the second part is the actual battle, which can happen on the campaign map or against other people online. 8/10 (1320 votes) - Download Clash Hero Android Free. There are two different aspects of the game.

It offers a large number of options and strategies, not to mention the fact that you can face real players from around the world. Clash of Clans is one of the most played games on Android devices and for good reason.